Digital Audio AES3 Pmod Compatible
The Digital Audio AES3 Pmod Compatible module is an interface to connect AES-3 / AES-EBU digital audio signals to an evalboard. It is designed to work with the Digilent Arty S-7, but because it is compatible with the Digilent PMod Interface Specification (6-Pin) it should also work with other boards.
All signals have 3,3V levels. The pin layout is as follows:
- 6: VCC (3,3V)
- 5: GND
- 4: not used
- 3: Output of a 24,576MHz clock signal
- 2: Output of the AES3 signal: From the module to the evalboard
- 1: Input of the AES3 signal: From the evalboard to the module
On pin 3 is the output clock of an 24,576MHz oscillator. This clock can be used to generate samplefrequencies like 48kHz, 96kHz and 192kHz. The board is tested to work with 192kHz. The maximum deviation of the oscillator is less than 10PPM.
Pin 3 connects to a Global Clock Pin of the Spartan-7 of the Arty-Board. Also the clock frequency is high enough to be routed into the PLL of the Spartan-7 for further treatment.
The oscillator can be removed. There is a large (5 x 7mm) empty pad for your own oscillator.
On the output of the RS485-Transceiver and the oscillators are series resistances. On the input of the RS485-Transceiver is a not populated AC-Termination.
Where to buy
The module is available on Tindie.